Bettas are extremely popular because of their jewel-tone colors, their long and elaborate fins, and their charming personalities. They are usually placed in small aquariums (but not too small – 2 gallons or more is ideal for one Betta), and are often used as a colorful decoration for various rooms in the house. Different types of Bettas have different tail shapes; the most commonly found shape is the “veil tail,” but other shapes include “double tail,” “crown tail,” “half-moon,” and “short-finned fighting-style tail.”
Our Deluxe Female Bettas are hand-selected from a HUGE variety of colors and tail shapes. Purchasing a Betta from this Deluxe listing versus our regular female Betta listing means that you will receive one of our most stunning and brightly colored specimens. These Bettas are provided by a supplier that imports over a thousand bettas per week. Because of this, we unfortunately cannot take requests for any particular color or body-type. However, any Betta you receive from us is guaranteed to be exceptionally high-quality and to look absolutely beautiful in any aquarium!
Unlike their male counterparts, female Bettas are peaceful and can be placed in community tanks. They do not tend to fight each other and may even school with each other – behavior you will never find in a male Betta! Females will get along fine with most other types of fish, as long as those fish aren’t aggressive. They have also been known to co-exist peacefully with snails, loaches, tetras, plecos, and African dwarf frogs. There have been success stories of Bettas living with shrimp, but it’s definitely not a guarantee and we cannot recommend keeping them together.
Otherwise, female Bettas are very easy to care for and thus are considered a great fish for beginners.
- Breathakingly beautiful colors on every fish
- Much more peaceful than their male counterparts
- Easy to care for
- Charming personality
- Temperature: 72°- 82° F (22.2° – 27.8° C)
- pH: 6.0 – 7.5
- KH: 2 – 12 dKH
- Minimum tank size: 2 gallons per fish
- Diet: Carnivorous. Can be fed a variety of foods, including flake foods, tablets, frozen food, brine shrimp, blood worms, and daphnia.
- Social behavior: Peaceful with any animals too large to be swallowed. Can be kept singly or in groups.
- Origin: Tank-bred, but indigenous to Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and parts of China.
- Average adult size: 2 – 3 inches (5 – 7.6 cm)
- Average purchase size: 1.5 – 2 inches (3.8 – 5 cm)