- Among the most voracious algae-eating snails
- Do not reproduce in freshwater
- Safe with plants
- Completely peaceful
- Temperature: 65° – 85° F (18° – 29° C)
- pH: 6.5 – 8.0
- KH: 5 – 12 dKH
- Minimum tank size: 2 gallons per snail
- Diet: Nerite Snails can subsist on algae if there is enough present in the aquarium. Their diet can be supplemented with algae wafers and/or blanched vegetables such as zucchini, kale, spinach, or cucumber.
- Social behavior: Peaceful and solitary; will not engage with tankmates.
- Origin: Indo-Pacific
- Average adult size: .5 – 1 inch (1.3 – 2.5 cm)
- Average purchase size: .25 – .5 inch (.64 – 1.3 cm)